As any mom knows, the body can go through many changes during pregnancy, from changes in hormones to fluid retention and swelling. Many parts of your body are affected, including your teeth and gums. This is why it’s so important to see your dentist at least once during your pregnancy. At Allen Dentistry, we can address any oral health concerns you have and take care of necessary dental procedures before your baby arrives.
Some women can develop dental problems during pregnancy. These problems are most often due to changes in hormones but can also be caused by morning sickness, increased cravings for sugary sweets, and sensitivity to gagging while brushing.
Here are the most common tooth problems expecting mothers experience:
Pregnancy Gingivitis
This is a condition characterized by swelling and tenderness of the gums. You may have gingivitis if your gums bleed every time you brush or floss. Hormone changes can cause temporary gingivitis to develop during pregnancy. You may need more frequent teeth cleanings to prevent permanent damage to your gums.
Increased Tooth Decay
You are more prone to cavities during pregnancy for several reasons. First, you might crave more carbohydrates, which feed the bacteria in your mouth. Then, morning sickness may increase the amount of acid in your mouth, which can eat away at your enamel. Finally, brushing and flossing may become less of a priority because of your more sensitive gag reflex, tender gums, and low energy levels. Just keep up with your oral care routine to prevent these problems!
Swollen Gums
During some pregnancies, gum tissue may swell between the teeth. This overgrowth causes your gums to bleed easily and take on a raw-looking appearance. The swelling should dissipate after you have your baby, but feel free to discuss them with Dr. Nylander if you have concerns.
The best way to protect your teeth and your developing baby during pregnancy is to take care of your oral health. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and see Dr. Nylander regularly, including while pregnant. And, once your baby arrives, make sure they see the best children’s dentist in Allen, TX, no later than the first birthday.